Press release

Abiomed and Area Colleges to Host Life Sciences Career Seminars for Growing Number of Student Veterans

DANVERS, Mass., Nov. 20, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The MedTech and BioTech Veterans Program (MVP) announced today it will host two Student Veteran Re-careering Seminars for student service members, veterans and graduates interested in pursuing careers in the life sciences.

The MVP seminar with North Shore Community College and Salem State University takes place on December 4th and the event with UMASS Lowell is scheduled for December 5th.

"I know firsthand just how difficult it is to transition from active duty to civilian life," said Congressman-elect Seth Moulton, a Marine veteran who served four tours of duty in Iraq. "I also know how relevant the leadership and technical skills fostered in the military are to public and private sector jobs. We need more programs that help veterans make the transition as they come home, and I'm proud to see that kind of leadership here on the North Shore."

The day-long seminars, held in partnership with leading medical device company Abiomed, include a variety of career-training and mentoring opportunities in the medical technology and biotech fields. The Massachusetts Life Sciences Center (MLSC) awarded MVP a $50,000 grant to help fund the two events.

"Massachusetts' medical technology and bio-technology industries are critical to jobs in the state and we are pleased to announce this grant from the MLSC, which will help more veterans pursue fulfilling careers in this important industry," said Michael Minogue, chairman, president and CEO of Abiomed, chairman of MVP, and a veteran of Desert Storm. "These three colleges play a vital role in providing a quality education to the growing number of student veterans in Massachusetts. Working together with MVP, we can help connect medical technology and life sciences businesses throughout the area to employ this talented and skilled workforce."

During the workshops on December 4th and December 5th, participants will have access to one-on-one mentoring, industry specific training, resume building, and personal interaction with mentors and human resources professionals in the medical device industry. The seminars will also consist of employer panels and a chance for participants to meet with professionals and companies in the fields that interest them.

"As the MLSC invests to grow jobs in Massachusetts' life sciences sectors we also are promoting access to these rapidly increasing job opportunities," said Susan Windham-Bannister, President & CEO of the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center (MLSC). "Life sciences companies need the types of skills, dedication and talent that our returning heroes bring to the workforce as they re-enter civilian life. In 2013 the MLSC helped organize and fund the MVP program and we are very pleased to be supporting and funding the current initiative."

The medical device industry offers careers in a variety of areas such as project management, supply chain, quality control, human resources and many other fields. Area companies interested in employing veterans will also participate in the workshop.

"Our university offers a variety of educational pathways for students wishing to pursue careers in the life sciences, and we're pleased to partner with North Shore Community College and MVP to help our student veterans learn more about careers in these industries," said Dr. Patricia Meservey, President of Salem State University. "Salem State is a strong supporter of military veterans and active service members, and events such as these are tremendously valuable to help students learn about the host of opportunities available to them."

MVP makes it easier for companies to hire former servicemen and women who can hit the ground running from day one. Its mission is to provide veterans with the resources, skills and confidence necessary to achieve fulfilling careers in these fields, and to ensure that employers have access to this diverse and talented pool of employees.

"UMASS Lowell is committed to employment for every veteran," said Janine Wert, the Director of Veterans' Services for University of Massachusetts Lowell. "This program is one of many that the college has to help them secure appropriate employment."

The population of military veterans in the United States is expected to grow by another million during the next six years, while the number of veterans enrolled at Massachusetts colleges and universities is also increasing.

"North Shore Community College has a long tradition of providing education and training to veterans, and we are honored to host an event with MVP for the second year in a row," said Dr. Patricia Gentile, President of North Shore Community College. "Community colleges are ideally suited to develop the skilled workforce necessary to meet the needs of the biotech and medical technology industries. Last year's seminar helped our student veterans learn about these jobs, and to hear from business leaders who have built successful careers in them."

The MVP Student Veteran Re-careering Seminar will take place at North Shore Community College's Danvers campus on December 4th from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm and on December 5th at the UMASS Lowell campus from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Space is limited, and to apply, please visit

About MVP

The MedTech and BioTech Veterans Program (MVP) is a nationwide career-training and mentorship initiative designed to help military veterans transition into successful and fulfilling careers in the medical technology, biology technology, life sciences and diagnostic industries. Since its inception in 2010, MVP has grown to include more than 500 veterans and industry mentors. It has set an ambitious goal of bringing 5,000 veterans into the life sciences industry by 2018, and 1,000 veterans per year after that — all funded by participating companies in the industry and at no cost to veterans. For more information, please visit

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